How to Stop Drinking Alcohol is Just 21 Days

I have paid a lot of attention recently to just what the symptoms of alcoholism are, how an alcoholic can recognize that they are indeed addicts and not just heavy drinkers and also just how much damage alcohol can cause to family relations as well as causing a negative effect to social behavior leading to complete isolation to the rest of the world.

Alcohol will literally take control of your brain and thinking capacity to such a degree that only alcohol will make you feel good about yourself from the moment you get up to the moment you pass out later on in the day. It is a behavior pattern that can only lead to disaster whereby alcohol leads you to believe that life just isn't worth living without a continued relationship with alcohol.

Once this point is reached in an alcoholics life, it always appears to signal alarm bells from within, which is probably the last chance there is to actually quit drinking alcohol, so this is where I want to help in giving advice for those first few days before and after quitting drinking.

To reach that critical decision the need to visualize the importance of your life to the people around you and hold the belief that if you change your life, you can also help to improve their lives as well as there really isn't a better gift than that of giving. Set a day within reason and try to reduce the daily amount of alcohol consumed and make sure that you wake up to an alcohol free environment as well as having everything you need at home for at least a week.

Now alcoholism is a disease and illness that warrants you having time off work so make sure that you have previously been issued with a Doctors certificate, as losing your job won't help at all in your efforts to quit alcohol. You won't feel too good for the first few days and you may be best off just staying in bed until you really have the desire to get up and see what awaits you.

Family and friends as well as support groups will be your new partner of life and they will no doubt give you all the support to make you realize that you have made to right decision to quit drinking alcohol. After about 72 days you would have virtually alcoholism, but beware of feeling over confident and thinking that just one quick drink would be a nice treat for all your effort.

Every day is crucial during the first 3 weeks and you will meet a different challenge every day, so make sure that you take the necessary time to get back to work, and if you continue to feel the same anxieties in life then you may need to take difficult decisions that will relieve you of any stress or pressure. Remember only you are your family are important, so even if it means reducing your standard of living drastically it is your life and future we are talking about.
Discover how to quit Drinking Alcohol by Ed Philips and Quit Alcohol Today.
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3 Ideas To Help Prepare To Stop Drinking

Just ask yourself one simple thing - are you currently drinking too much Alcohol? If you want to learn how you can quit an addition to improve your lifestyle and your health and well-being, then here are a few questions to take a look at which might help you act to stop drinking alcohol:-
- When you are drinking alcoholic beverages do you drink if you are discouraged, miserable, or even suffering alone?

- Are your family and friends extremely worried about you simply because you might be drinking alcohol too much?

- Does alcohol cause you to forget important things?
- Are you constantly late for everything when you have been drinking alcohol the evening before?

- Think you're always falling out with friends and family through your drinking alcohol issue?

- Does your well-being suffer through your current drinking problems?

For those who have read the previously mentioned questions and replied yes to any of them, in that case you have got a serious drinking dilemma, or it's the beginning of one. In the event that your quality of life is suffering from alcohol you will need to stop drinking alcohol right now, because this could and will bring about an early death bed. Furthermore seek advice from your personal doctor.
In case you are reading this article then you might possibly wish to end drinking, or you want to cut down on your drinking habit, or possibly you know another person who you would like to stop drinking alcohol.

Listed here are three stop drinking tips to help anybody stop drinking alcohol on their own.

1 - How will being able to stop drinking change your life?

You ought to write all the negative along with good positive reasons why you would like to stop or perhaps reduce your drinking behavior.
I mean, Is it for your wellness? Could it improve your lifestyle? Can it make you sleep far better? Will it strengthen your family life? I am sure your stop drinking listing has got to be a whole lot longer!

2 - Goal Setting.

First let me tell you that without setting any targets you'll never stop or even cut down on your drinking habit, it is that simple. First you need to jot down small goals, such as cutting down on your drinking routines, and maybe you can cut out drinking alcohol one evening per week. The thing here is you have to start somewhere and get straight into good habits and get rid of the negative ones.
Okay now you have to write your targets down and have them in front of you as much as you can. Place them upon every door inside your home if you have to, as well as have all of them stuck on your refrigerator so you will always have to read them before you open it.
Your paper should look something like this:

Primary Goal - I will cut down on my own drinking alcohol problem beginning from (Time frame)
Second Goal - I'll additionally not drink on (day of the week)
Third Target - Week 2 I'll not consume alcohol on two days each week
Ultimate Objective - I'll always drive whenever we go out, so I can't drink
You have to complete these steps without exceptions if you are to manage to ultimately stop drinking.

3 - Continue to keep a day-to-day Journal.

I know this seems quite simple but you must do this every day and not miss any out. Ensure you set your goals for the initial 4 weeks, after which check them out after four weeks have gone by to see the real difference, and believe me you will be very surprised at the changes. I did the very same myself while I was an alcoholic, and it works. It is sometimes complicated but it is extremely rewarding.
You could possibly make up your own drinking diary where you can write down your daily objectives, your obstacles you have to overcome, good thoughts and so on. Anyone can stop drinking alcohol by getting the right support, it is a uncomplicated procedure, however like I said the next step is to get into the good habits and get rid of the bad ones.
Discover More About How To Stop Binge Drinking With This Tried And Tested Stop Drinking Guide Written By Ed Philips To Discover How You Can Stop Drinking In Just 21 Days.
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Why Parents Should Show Their Kids How to Quit Drinking is Important

Nowadays, the presence of alcohol in parties is a given or a fact. Rarely are there parties where alcohol isn't present or isn't served at all. Sometimes, alcohol can even be found in birthday parties for adults to enjoy even though it's not really a good example to set for their kids. They say that children often imitate what adults do because they perceive whatever action an adult does to be correct especially if that adult is their own mother or father. The best thing for a parent to do is to abstain from these kinds of actions and show their kids how to quit drinking is important.

Parents should show their children how to quit drinking is important because it'll guide their children to a future healthier lifestyle. They show their children that drinking excessive alcohol is not good for a person's mind and body. When their kids reach a certain age, the parents can even give them examples of the sicknesses or health conditions associated with alcoholism.

Another reason to show your children the importance of becoming sober is because alcoholism may affect your family's finances. If one or both of the parents is alcoholic, they may end up dipping into the family's budget just to get a drink. Alcoholism is an expensive habit to maintain. The money that you spend on alcohol could be used in other ways such as food, medicine, and the like. There are some cases where an alcoholic father spends all the money that he earns on his habit instead of providing for the family. In this scenario, the mother is left to fend for herself and her children. She has to support her family with her own income (if she has any) instead of both of their incomes. There are even worse scenarios where both parents are alcoholics, unable to keep stable jobs because of their alcoholism, leaving the children to fend for themselves. This is not how a family should run. Parents are obligated to provide for their children.

The relationship within a family is another reason for parents to stop drinking. A family with an alcoholic in the family may sometimes experience tension within the household because of the "mood swings" of the alcoholic family member. At the same time, there are also some cases where domestic violence occurs because of alcoholism. Family members shouldn't be subjected to this kind of environment. They shouldn't have to live in fear that something might happen because a person is drunk.

Parents should set good examples for their kids and show them how to quit drinking is good for you to do. If the children see one or both of their parents drinking alcohol or being an alcoholic, they might think that it's the right thing to do when it's not. An alcoholic parent should stop and think of how his/her condition is affecting the family and if it's right for their kids to see them this way. They should think if this is the kind of environment in which they want their kids to grow up in. They should also consider the fact that their alcoholism could affect their children's future.
Grab your free information on how quit drinking, a Free 4 Day Ecourse and a Free Ebook called "7 Tips For Quitting Drinking" then go Now to
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How to Quit Drinking Alcohol For Beginners

Many struggling alcoholics would like to know how to quit drinking alcohol. Those who are caught up in the cycle of alcoholism can not find their own way out of it and this is what essentially defines their addiction. They can not stop on their own and if they could then they would not be alcoholic. This concept points us towards the general direction of the solution. We need to ask for help.
This is the first critically important piece of recovery. If you do not ask for help, then you can not make progress towards quitting drinking. Asking for help is essential. If an alcoholic claims that they are going to quit drinking, but they stubbornly refuse any and all help, then they are not really ready to stop. They are fooling themselves when they say that they are going to stop drinking tomorrow, without anyone's help at all. This is known as denial.

The second step in getting sober usually involves taking action of some sort. For many people this will involve a short stay in a treatment center. Although lots of people will not be too eager on this plan, it really has a number of benefits for anyone who wants to stop drinking. For starters, any decent rehab facility will have a supervised detoxification unit that can bring you safely off the alcohol. Doing this without a medical staff is pretty dangerous and nobody should ever try it. Another reason that treatment is helpful is because of the safe environment you are in where you are not tempted to drink or do drugs at every turn. This is especially important for those in early recovery.
Being in a rehab facility will also give you a chance to talk with therapists who are trained to help you find the resources you need to help you quit. This is important because we cannot do it on our own and we need guidance in order to recover. Our best ideas and our best thinking got us drunk. We need new information in order to learn how to stay sober.

Finally, rehab can be useful because of all the networking with other alcoholics that you will meet there. Your peers in rehab with you can be part of your support network after you leave treatment and can help you to stay clean in the long run. In recovery, we help each other to stay clean and sober.
If you are interested in knowing how to stop drinking then those are the basics. You need to make a decision and follow it up with real action. In the case of most people this will involve a trip to rehab in order to get off the sauce in a safe manner. Going to treatment is not a magic cure in itself because you will need to follow up after you leave treatment with more action. This will generally include finding a support network and becoming heavily involved with that network on a daily basis. If you can do this then your chances of staying sober in the long run are greatly increased.
Would you like to learn more about how to quit drinking alcohol? Visit
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Stop Drinking Alcohol On Your Own - Helpful Tips

Learning how to stop drinking alcohol on your own is important for anyone who drinks alcohol. Even if you are not really an alcoholic but you drink alcohol regularly, you should consider stopping your drinking habit. Consuming alcohol can lead to various health problems such as excessive weight gain, liver disease, heart condition, and strokes. You should learn how to stop consuming alcohol on your own so that you can avoid these health problems. If you don't learn how to stop drinking alcohol on your own, you might become an alcoholic and you may need to be admitted into a rehabilitation center.
Great Tips on How to Stop Consuming Alcohol on your Own
Before you decide that you want to learn how to stop consuming alcohol on your own, consult your doctor for advice. Your doctor can provide a schedule that will help you quit consuming alcohol more easily and effectively. He can also provide some health care tips that will help you avoid doing things that could endanger your health. Also, before you learn how to stop consuming alcohol on your own, remove all traces and sources of alcohol inside your home. If you use wine or cooking sherry for cooking your food, look for a non-alcoholic substitute.
A good tip by experts is that you should get a piggy bank or a jar and put money in it whenever you think about buying and taking alcohol. By doing this, you can prevent yourself from buying alcohol. At the end of the week, you take all the money you have saved and buy a nice present for yourself. You can also use the money to keep yourself busy during your free time by using it to watch a movie or to go to an amusement park. This will help you learn how to stop drinking alcohol on your own and will make you realize how alcohol deprives you of many fun things in life.
Other Tips on How to Stop Drinking Alcohol on your Own
You can also learn how to stop consuming alcohol on your own by identifying the problem points in your old drinking habit such as the specific times and places where you previously drank alcohol. Once you have identified these problem points, avoid these circumstances in the future. You should avoid the bar where you used to drink and plan something fun for the time of the day where you used to consume alcohol.
Try taking up a hobby or a pastime so that you will be too busy to think about taking alcohol. A good pastime is exercising at the gym or jogging at the park because you will improve your health while also preventing alcohol urges. Taking up a hobby will also help reduce the agitation and depression caused by alcohol withdrawal. Learning how to stop drinking alcohol on your own is not enough to make you quit alcohol. You will need to make sure that you really want to quit consuming alcohol and that the whole process is always fun and enlightening.
It is easy to stop drinking alcohol yourself with these easy tips on how to quit drinking alcohol yourself.

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30 Reasons to Stop Drinking Alcohol

If you're thinking of stopping drinking, there are a number of good reasons to do so. Make your own list too as it will help you through difficult patches when you need to resist the temptation to drink.
If you are a heavy drinker (regularly drinking more than the Government-recommended limits), talk to your GP about stopping drinking. They'll be able to advise you on how to stop drinking safely and let you know of any support that's available. In some cases you may be advised to undertake a supervised alcohol detox or to undergo another type of alcohol treatment. These treatments are available in alcohol rehab centres and at home but you should discuss them with a doctor or an addiction professional.
Here are some reasons to stop drinking and to seek alcohol treatment if necessary.

1. Alcohol is expensive and by quitting, you'll have more money

2. Your brain and memory will be sharper

3. Your liver will be healthier and will have more chance of healing any damage you have already done to it

4. You will be able to stop lying to friends and family about your drinking

5. Your relationships are likely to improve

6. Your skin and complexion will look better

7. Niggling aches and pains are likely to improve when you stop drinking

8. You won't have to cope with hangovers

9. Quite quickly you will generally begin to feel better in yourself

10. You will feel better about yourself and stop berating yourself for drinking too much

11. You will have a lot more energy on a day-to-day basis

12. You will be able to get off the treadmill of buying alcohol supplies

13. Your love life will probably improve

14. You will sleep better and wake up feeling more refreshed

15. Your work attendance is likely to improve

16. Your friends will be proud of you for managing to quit drinking.

17. You'll have more free time when you don't spend so much time drinking/in bars

18. Your sense of taste and smell will be shaper

19. People may comment on how well you look

20. You won't feel trapped and powerless because of your addiction to alcohol

21. You will begin to get to know the real you again and so will those around you

22. You will regain your interest in hobbies and passions

23. Your family will feel much happier and less worried about you

24. You'll feel much calmer and more content with life

25. Your zest for life will be refreshed

26. You will feel a sense of empowerment that you took control of the situation

27. You will find that you are smiling and laughing more

28. You will feel more optimistic about the future

29. You'll be able to make more plans for the future, knowing they won't be spoiled by alcohol

30. You will feel happier than when you were drinking

Wellington Lodge is an established not-for-profit specialist alcohol detox and rehab provider. We offer triage, screening and rehabilitation at our comfortable in-patient facility at Wellington Lodge in North London. We also offer out-patient facilities at specialist clinics in Harley Street, London or at Queens Square in Bath, Somerset.
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Stop Drinking Alcohol - Free Yourself From The Bottle

If your habit of drinking alcohol is starting to affect your relationships, job, or your family, then maybe it is time to stop consuming alcohol. There are many online guides, books, and professionals out there who can teach you how to stop drinking alcohol. You can teach yourself how to stop drinking alcohol without medical or professional help, but you will need a lot of willpower and discipline to succeed. This simple guide will teach you how to stop drinking alcohol without professional help. Once you know how to quit consuming alcohol, your discipline and willpower will be the key to your success.

The First Steps To Stop Drinking Alcohol on your Own

The first step is to learn how to stop drinking alcohol by avoiding temptation. You need to stop buying alcohol at all so that you will not be tempted to drink. If you have developed a habit of stopping at a store to buy alcohol when you are on your way home from your job, then break this habit. When buying groceries, buy everything you need at once so that you won't have to stop at a store during the rest of the week. You can also prevent temptation by going to places that don't have alcohol such as churches, ice skating, and movies.

The second step is to learn how to stop taking alcohol by keeping yourself busy during your free time. You can keep your mouth busy by eating small candies, mints, and chewing gum. Develop a new habit of eating mints and chewing gum to replace your bad habit of consuming alcohol. Another good habit that can replace your bad habit of consuming alcohol is exercise. Start working out by going to a gym after work or buy some exercise DVDs and exercise at home to keep your body busy and prevent alcohol temptations.

Additional Tips to Stop Drinking Alcohol on your Own

If you really want to stop your bad habit of consuming alcohol, then stop hanging out with friends who drink alcohol. You can talk to your friends on the phone or hang out with them at places that don't have alcohol such as gyms and movie theaters, but do not go with them if you know they plan to consume alcohol or they are going to a place that has alcohol such as bars and parties. Doing this may end your friendship with them, but if they really care about you, then they will support you.
According to experts, you can also prevent alcohol urges by eating fruits and candies that contain fructose. Keep a journal and try to identify what causes you to consume alcoholic beverages and what makes the alcohol urge to appear. Once you have identified the sources and situations that cause your alcohol urge, try to avoid those situations. Hopefully, this simple guide has helped you learn how to stop consuming alcohol on your own. Remember that learning how to quit consuming alcohol is not enough because you will need willpower and discipline in order to get rid of your addiction.
You can discover how to stop drinking alcohol for good with these easy to follow tips on how to quit drinking alcohol.
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Quit Drinking Alcohol: Lose Weight

This is a common slogan for those who want to cut down on drinking and at the same time lose weight. Are you serious? Alcohol is every person's buddy. After a day's work, people flock to bars to unwind. They feel that they deserve it due to the hard day's work and the stress that goes with it.
Stepping out of the workplace with your office-mates can lead you to think of going somewhere. While thinking of a place to go, you see a bar, with its cozy lights, shining right from the glass window, and the smooth jazz music emanating from the background-- so inviting. What would you do? Of course, you will opt to go inside and look around. Now, panning your eyes from right to left, you see friends talking while holding their glasses full of wine. Again, my question: is what would you do?

Your current physical condition can be considered as wide and flabby but still you want to have a taste of beer. Maybe a bottle or two will do (or maybe even more). Even if you made a promise not to drink anymore to lose weight, you think that it won't bite. Just this once will not hurt, or so you think it won't.

Let us go back two weeks ago: You had been contemplating on how to lower down your weight. Seeing the weighing scale abruptly banging its arrow to the right is quite alarming, and then you think up of a way; making your schedule fit for a gym appearance. Suddenly the need to look like a fashion model pops up on your mind. This is it, you'd tell yourself. It's time! Hey, baby, "quit drinking alcohol:lose weight"-that's the battle cry!

Losing weight can be obsessive. People employ different measures just to achieve the desired figure. There's liposuction to name the fastest way and the diet, to name the slowest. Why is the diet considered the least of the most effective way in losing weight? This is because you will not be able to follow it on your own and that's a fact; admitting not going strict on yourself when eating alone will somehow open your eyes to the truth. Following a rigid diet can cause you anxiety.

Among the best ways to lose unwanted fats in the body is through exercise. Do this with friends. Talking while doing exercise routines can help alleviate the harshness of fitness programs. There would be some kind of enjoyment as you will forget how hard crunches and lunges would be. Nothing will make you feel the pain. It's like anesthesia, believe me. Fast forward: now, you like to drink? Do you think consuming alcohol cannot, in a way, add up to the problem? Wake up!

Be honest in everything that you do. By being true to your word, you will learn the value of the word promise. Promising yourself that you will not taste alcohol to be appealing and slim might do some good. Whispering motivating words such as pretty, sexy, happy and lucky can do the trick.
Following your fitness program religiously will help you achieve your goal and this will be highly appreciated by your peers, even your family and friends. They would see the change in you and it is in that condition that you want to be remembered for the rest of your life.

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The Main Benefits Of Stopping Drinking Alcohol

Maybe you realize that even moderate drinking, under certain circumstances, just isn't without risk, and that about one in three men, and approximately 1 in 7 women, consume more than the secure limit. Are you aware that in the event you consume at over modest quantities, you may be putting yourself vulnerable to critical health issues. Nowadays in this western society, you simply like the vast majority of individuals will in all probability consume alcohol from time to time, or maybe you drink average levels of alcohol routinely. The actual long-term effects of harmful habits are not enough to encourage people to change their day-to-day lives, so we must take a much better look at the genuine benefits of stopping drinking.

If you do have the ability to quit alcohol entirely, undeniably you'll commence to feel a great deal better, so let's not waste any more time, and let us reveal the top advantages of giving up drinking alcohol. And most significant of all, it diminishes the chance of getting health conditions such as cirrhosis, damage to the pancreas, cardiovascular disease, certain varieties of cancer, sexual problems, and other ailments. In general, the more effort you complete to stop drinking, the lower risk of disease you will get.

You are going to start to praise yourself as a valuable being, worthy of your very own love, which will enable you to reach out to guide others, giving your life meaning, which is just what life's all about. You'll also notice that other people address you differently, and those who love you most will be the very first to note the difference in you. Should you end drinking alcohol right now, you can realistically expect to turn your decision into a bankroll for a global holiday in approximately 6 months. Your appetite shall come back, in addition to your muscular tone and overall health. You also will lose weight.

Recover your lost time. Presume you have a couple of alcoholic beverages around the house, several times weekly, and that mild touch of drunkenness costs you three hours of effective thinking each and every time. It can save you about one full month of your life within twelve months. It really is a great deal of misspent time which may have been employed for reading a book, enjoying a sport, or even starting a business. One benefit of stopping drinking is definitely the knowledge that you have defeated it. You are able to say that you have won, all on your own from your personal self composed willpower, and when you give up, you know you did it.

There are some things for being proud of. Quitting alcohol is a mark of respect, yet also regret to people that have lost their lives to cardiovascular disease, alcoholic poisoning, liver cancer and also teenagers who drink and experience death from over drinking. You will become an early riser. Alcoholic beverages makes you really feel worn out when you wish to feel really enthusiastic and awake. Ironically, it also will increase wakefulness throughout sleep. If you do not end drinking, and really alcohol will simply distort your life, however when you have the ability to stop, you will begin to get up earlier, and also with no headache. Out of the blue the saying "Early to bed, early to rise * Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise" actually starts to make real sense.

You may definitely stumble upon lots more benefits of stopping drinking alcohol, when you manage, so perhaps you should try quitting right now, and let your life take its natural course.
Learn More About How To Stop Drinking With This Tried And Tested Stop Drinking Guide Written By Ed Philips. You Will Discover How You Can Quit Drinking In Just 21 Days.... And Find Out For Yourself The Real Benefits Of Stopping Drinking!
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Motivation is Personal

By Jeromy Michaels

Would you say that you are personally motivated or are you currently waiting for someone to come along and motivate you to action? Are you able to dig deep inside and find that spark or do you wait to be prodded from the outside?

Have you ever sat down and speculated about it? Do you stagnate from a lack of motivation? Do you feel like you are stuck within a rut and you're just going by means of the foot in front of the other?

What gets you out of bed inside the morning? Is it the thought of accomplishing some thing great and exciting or is it a swift kick for the rear?

What keeps you going when issues are not going right? Do you maybe have a objective in mind that you can see with clarity and are actively taking every day actions to reach?

Can a Lack of Motivation be Overcome

It really is essential to find a thing that you just want no matter the issues you encounter when wanting to accomplish it. That way you are going to continue to strive regardless of the issues. In the approach, do items that you get pleasure from to help break the routine of your work so, that you remain refreshed and focused and steer clear of burning out.

If you want to stay away from and/or defeat a lack of motivation, find out how to appreciate the method and not solely the destination. What do you get pleasure from undertaking that keeps you moving towards the light in the end of the tunnel?

Focus Helps in Forcing a Lack of Motivation Away

Here are the factors you must keep in front of you.

Concentrate on what you need to attain...NOT on what you haven't!

Make certain that you simply can't forget why you do what you do. Hang photos exactly where you can see them daily, projecting the completed outcome you might have in place.

Visualize your dreams.

Make your dreams tangible. See them so usually which you cannot support but believe that they've already occurred. See them so clearly that when you reach your ambitions it is not even a surprise due to the fact you have already noticed it occur. At the same time, preserve oneself connected to what is happening now. Don't forget who you desire to arrive at your destination with. Envision the future but do not get so caught up in it that you forget your present.

Be sure you spend time with the folks you love or whenever you reach your goal and obtain your dream they may possibly not desire to devote time with you. Do things regularly that help you loosen up and clear your thinking; get out of doors, exercise, enjoy a superb book or go to someplace new. For those of us determined to attain, often it really is simple to forget that we want to step back and get pleasure from life today, as well. It isn't about becoming lazy or forgetting our responsibilities but concerning the want to recharge our batteries and ensure we do not just burn out. Sometimes, we need to have to just step back and take a deep breath and loosen up.

The choice is as much as you.

Just bear in mind, it's crucial to stay true to who you happen to be. Do not forget the people who have helped you get to exactly where you might be. Get pleasure from life along the way! That way whenever you get towards the end of your journey you won't wonder what occurred for the life you didn't reside. Appear for approaches to improve your productivity but still enable you the freedom of rest and relaxation.

Should you be searching for methods to attain your monetary goals and nonetheless be capable of reside your life, check out this critique in the Empower Network. It's purpose would be to allow you to make a living while nevertheless living a life. Don't remain a victim of a lack of motivation...Uncover Your Goal!

Enjoy the Journey!

About the Author:

Want to Stop Drinking Alcohol? Overcome Your Alcohol Addiction With Hypnosis

Once the bottle is uncorked, are you unable to stop yourself from having more than one drink? Does your idea of a good time always involve alcohol? Do you use alcohol to deal with the stress or to make yourself feel better? If so, then you need to consider using something more than just conscious willpower to overcome your alcohol addiction.

While some alcohol addiction treatments may focus on why you drink and on your conscious decision to drink, they do not get to the heart of the matter. It's your subconscious that drives you to drink, and to continue to drink, even when you don't want to.

Hypnosis to Stop Drinking Alcohol

Are you tired of waking up with a hangover and unable to remember what happened the night before? During a typical hypnosis session to stop drinking alcohol, your hypnotist will reach deep into your subconscious and prevent your subconscious from believing you must have alcohol to deal with problems, or to have a good time.

During hypnosis, your hypnotist will help you identify why you drink, and then change how your subconscious perceives situations which fuel your desire to drink. You may think you need alcohol to 'open up' or you may think alcohol will give you enough to courage to mingle or meet someone. Your hypnotist can also retrain your subconscious to give you more self-confidence and to help you be more outgoing. Your subconscious can be trained to focus on all your positive qualities when you are out with friends and family, allowing you to believe in yourself enough to 'open up' and truly enjoy yourself.

Hypnosis for Alcohol Addiction

Through regression techniques, hypnosis will also help you discover if something in your past has created your addiction. Your hypnotist can help identify the triggers for your addiction, triggers that the subconscious may have amplified and exaggerated. Hypnosis will help you deal with these triggers and change how your mind perceives these triggers in the future.

Your hypnotist may also use visualization techniques during hypnosis for alcohol addiction, which will help you see all the positive things that will happen when you are free from your alcohol addiction. Your subconscious can be taught to seek out and rely on positive, healthy activities that will give you and your subconscious a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Depending on how long you have been addicted to alcohol, you may have damaged important relationships in your life. You may have also damaged your career and your reputation. However, hypnosis for alcohol addiction can help you begin to correct past mistakes, and find the strength to rebuild your life and your relationships. During a typical hypnosis for alcohol addiction session, it is important to share with your hypnotist all the situations in your life that have been affected by your addiction, and commit to letting them help you establish new goals and new approaches to correcting these situations.

With hypnosis, you can be free of your addiction and get back to living a full, happy, and satisfaction filled life.
Eli Bliliuos is the founder of The New York Hypnosis Institute. He specializes in helping clients overcome alcohol addiction.
To learn more about alcohol addiction hypnosis, click here Alcohol Addiction Hypnosis NYC.
New York Hypnosis Institute LLC
241 West 30 street
New York, NY 10001
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Key Steps to Stopping Drinking

If you want to stop drinking, it is possible and can dramatically improve your life. There is lots of support available to help you but the most important factor is you.
Quitting alcohol is not easy but with alcohol treatment, determination and support it can be done. If you don't know where to begin, consider working through these steps.

Accept that you have a problem

In order to get help and help yourself with alcoholism, you will need to accept that you have a problem. You must accept this openly and honestly without any ifs and buts. You should also try to avoid playing down the situation or making excuses. Admit that you have an addiction that needs to be addressed.

Think carefully

Accepting that you have a problem with alcohol might require some serious thought and introspection but this stage shouldn't be avoided. Writing down your thoughts and feelings could help. Consider issues such as:
  • When did your problem with alcohol really start?
  • What may have triggered it?
  • How has alcohol made you feel?
  • What path of progression has your drinking taken?
  • Why might this be?
  • How did your drinking get out of control?
  • How does alcohol make you feel? What range of emotions do you associate with it?
Sometimes putting the sequence of events in a timeline can help. There is nothing to lose from being completely honest with yourself.
Once you have accepted that you have a problem with alcohol, you will need to make a firm decision to tackle your drinking with determination, even when things aren't easy.

Get support

Support from family and friends can be invaluable but you will need to choose who you lean on for support carefully - some people, intentionally or unintentionally, could be more of a hindrance.
Most people will support you in trying to stop drinking and will do everything within their power to help you. If anyone tries to block you, you will need to be quite self-centred (in a positive way) on staying focused on stopping drinking.


Doing some research can help you map out your road to being sober. When planning your recovery, you can plan in as much detail as getting through each month, week or day.

Take action

It's time to act and put your plan into action. The first step is to contact your GP or an addiction health professional - if you have been drinking heavily for a long time, you are likely to be physically dependent on alcohol and suddenly stopping drinking can be dangerous.

Your doctor may refer you for alcohol treatment or you can refer yourself to an alcohol treatment centre. You will receive treatment based on your individual needs and circumstances.
Wellington Lodge is an established not-for-profit specialist alcohol treatment provider. We offer triage, screening and rehabilitation at our comfortable in-patient facility at Wellington Lodge in North London. We also offer out-patient facilities at specialist clinics in Harley Street, London or at Queens Square in Bath, Somerset.
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The Secret of How to Quit Drinking Alcohol

Just over two years ago years ago I was a chronic alcoholic and my life was in ruins. I had been addicted to alcohol for over 25 years, but still found it hard to admit that I had a serious problem. I halfheartedly tried to quit drinking alcohol but every time I failed, I just couldn't imagine a life without it. I also tried to control my drinking, but that didn't work either.

I'd start every day off with a can of strong cider and I'd continue to drink throughout the day. I would frequently drive my car whilst under the influence of alcohol, putting other people as well as myself in danger. I'm embarrassed and disgusted to admit it now, but I would frequently wake up in the morning after a heavy night's drinking, not only with a hangover but in a puddle of my own urine.
I was serially unfaithful and put myself at risk of contracting venereal diseases and giving them to my partner. I frequently had blackouts and awoke in strange places with no recollection of how I got there. I would always do things that I regretted whilst under the influence of alcohol and yet despite all this I continued to drink. I finally decided that enough was enough after an unsuccessful attempt at suicide and I haven't drunk since.

Here is the exact formula that I used to quit drinking alcohol and I am certain that if you follow these simple steps you will be able to give up drinking for good too.

Accept that you've got a problem

Being able to accept that you've got a problem with alcohol is the first step that you need to take. The person who is ready to quit drinking alcohol is the person who is not in denial. The alcoholic's first line of defence is always to say that they are not an alcoholic and to reel off lame excuses for their habit. It took me over 25 years to be able to say that I was an alcoholic and to stop making excuses for my addiction.

Make a commitment to quit drinking alcohol

Once you have admitted to yourself that you are an alcoholic, the next thing that you need to do is to look at the reasons why you are drinking and ask yourself some questions. For example, why is the thought of life without alcohol unbearable? What motivates you to drink? why do you continue to drink even though it's destroying your relationships and your health? I'm sure you can think of many other questions, just grab a pen and paper and write down everything that comes to mind.

Seek medical help

If you are a chronic alcoholic then you will need to quit alcohol under medical supervision. Make an appointment to see a physician and talk to them honestly about your drinking and your intention to stop. They will be able to prescribe you with medication to make the withdrawal process a comfortable experience.

Stop drinking

Once you have stopped drinking alcohol it will be necessary in the early days to avoid the people and places you associate with alcohol. It may be a good idea you to find a support group where you can discuss your feelings and ask for help should you need to. I would recommend that you look at SMART and Rational Recovery as these are two great resources available to you on the Internet. I personally wouldn't recommend Alcoholics Anonymous as I didn't find them to be helpful and I don't believe that their recovery statistics are that great, but that is only my opinion.

Make a plan

Once you have stopped drinking alcohol you need to come up with a strategy to keep yourself from returning to it. In the early days of stopping drinking you will come up with all manner of excuses to return to it. You may decide that you will be able to control it, you will start to see it as less of a problem, you will start to remember only the good times that you had drinking etc. For every argument you will need to have a solid counter argument. So think about all of the reasons why returning to drinking might be an option and write them down along with all of the reasons why you want to stay stopped.

Get support from your family and friends

Tell your family and friends how serious you are about stopping drinking and ask them to be considerate of your decision. Ask them not to drink around you in the early days and avoid having alcohol in the house. Their support will make not drinking a lot easier.

Keep a diary

It's a very good idea to keep a diary when you stop drinking and it can serve as a powerful tool in your recovery. Writing down how you are feeling and all the problems that you are experiencing can be liberating and will keep you firmly committed to overcoming your addiction.
Rob Maggs is a reformed alcoholic dedicated to self improvement and personal development. He is the author of How to stop Drinking for good and the developer of powerful meditation software.
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