How to Quit Drinking Alcohol For Beginners

Many struggling alcoholics would like to know how to quit drinking alcohol. Those who are caught up in the cycle of alcoholism can not find their own way out of it and this is what essentially defines their addiction. They can not stop on their own and if they could then they would not be alcoholic. This concept points us towards the general direction of the solution. We need to ask for help.
This is the first critically important piece of recovery. If you do not ask for help, then you can not make progress towards quitting drinking. Asking for help is essential. If an alcoholic claims that they are going to quit drinking, but they stubbornly refuse any and all help, then they are not really ready to stop. They are fooling themselves when they say that they are going to stop drinking tomorrow, without anyone's help at all. This is known as denial.

The second step in getting sober usually involves taking action of some sort. For many people this will involve a short stay in a treatment center. Although lots of people will not be too eager on this plan, it really has a number of benefits for anyone who wants to stop drinking. For starters, any decent rehab facility will have a supervised detoxification unit that can bring you safely off the alcohol. Doing this without a medical staff is pretty dangerous and nobody should ever try it. Another reason that treatment is helpful is because of the safe environment you are in where you are not tempted to drink or do drugs at every turn. This is especially important for those in early recovery.
Being in a rehab facility will also give you a chance to talk with therapists who are trained to help you find the resources you need to help you quit. This is important because we cannot do it on our own and we need guidance in order to recover. Our best ideas and our best thinking got us drunk. We need new information in order to learn how to stay sober.

Finally, rehab can be useful because of all the networking with other alcoholics that you will meet there. Your peers in rehab with you can be part of your support network after you leave treatment and can help you to stay clean in the long run. In recovery, we help each other to stay clean and sober.
If you are interested in knowing how to stop drinking then those are the basics. You need to make a decision and follow it up with real action. In the case of most people this will involve a trip to rehab in order to get off the sauce in a safe manner. Going to treatment is not a magic cure in itself because you will need to follow up after you leave treatment with more action. This will generally include finding a support network and becoming heavily involved with that network on a daily basis. If you can do this then your chances of staying sober in the long run are greatly increased.
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